Who you SHOULD be talking to when creating content


You might be talking to the wrong person on social media.

I see this happen all the time - we are on a team or in community with amazing women AND IT’S AWESOME . . . but then we spend all our time talking to each other

And I don’t just mean in the DMs . . . I mean in our content.

We develop these tight knit relationships and it’s so easy to forget that these people are not who we should be focusing on when creating our social media or email content.

When we are intentional about speaking to our ideal client we are bringing her closer, making her feel seen, inspiring her. That’s the first step in growing a business online. 

Before I post ANYTHING I ask myself, “Who is this for and why does she care?”

Don’t get tunnel vision and only speak to your sister coach or your sister consultant or the people in the mastermind you’re fired up about. You can support them by liking, commenting, and sharing their content.

But then go support...

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One of the best things I did for myself (and my biz)

Uncategorized Nov 04, 2020

I want to share with you one of the best things I've EVER done.

I started questioning who I was spending my time with. Who I was choosing to be mentored by. 

When I started to do that, something amazing happened. 

Watch to find out what.

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Waiting for things to get better in 2021? Do this instead.

Uncategorized Oct 06, 2020

Are you always hustling for the next goal? That next position? That next level?

What happens when you get there?

My guess is you celebrate for a day or two and then you start working toward the NEXT goal.

When you look back on your life, do you want to remember the arrival points or the journey getting there? 

Stop waiting for 2021 to make things better. Here's what you can start doing TODAY!

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Two Step

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