Personal Branding Mistakes That Could Be Costing You

Uncategorized Jan 31, 2023

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One of my favorite topics when it comes to business and entrepreneurship is personal branding. In this episode, I’m revealing some of the most common personal branding mistakes that could be costing you. We kick off this episode by discussing what personal branding really is. Then I discuss mistakes such as not clearly defining who you are, why “market saturation” shouldn’t scare you if you lean into your uniqueness, and why you need to treat your brand as a living, ever-expanding entity. I also dive into some mindset issues around personal branding, such as thinking that you’re being too repetitive through your content, and not recognizing your branding as your superpower. I cover other mistakes like treating your branding as if it only exists online, and why you shouldn’t fit yourself into your business, company, or product. These are mistakes that I’ve seen a lot of businesses and entrepreneurs make. So tune in, take notes, and learn what these mistakes are so you can avoid them in your business.

We'll discuss:

  • What branding really is
  • Fitting yourself into your business, company, or product and not defining who you are
  • Why “market saturation” is irrelevant when you lean into your uniqueness
  • Acknowledging your brand as a living, breathing, and expanding being
  • Is your branding all over the place and spreading yourself too thin?
  • The power of repetition
  • Your branding doesn’t just live online
  • Why your branding is your superpower

Two Step

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