Creating a course.
Sounds overwhelming doesn’t it?
You’re probably saying, “Duh, Kel! Why else would I be reading this?”
But, seriously! It’s a big task - only when you look at it as a whole.
We’re gonna break it down.
I’m going to walk you through the exact process I used to build both my 6 and 12-week programs I created last year.
What transformation are you guiding your clients to in this course? Be specific.
Don’t skip this step.
Every decision you make about what to include (or not include) should be filtered through the end result.
(you’ll want to grab your sticky notes for this one)
Brain dump EVERYTHING you want your ideal client to learn in order to get the result they desire.
Put topics, skills, strategies, shifts EVERYTHING on sticky notes.
Give yourself a week or two to do this.
You won’t be able to think of everything in that moment. Things will be popping into your brain at the most random times.
I guarantee there will be at least one time you rip out of the shower like hell on wheels because you thought of something you wanted to add and didn’t want to forget. 😂
You want to hone in on the most powerful skills, strategies, and shifts that are a direct path to the transformation you are selling.
Look at every single one of your stickies and ask yourself this question:
“Do they need this to be successful?”
If your answer is “yes,” move it into a “keep” pile.
Everything else - save for your next course. (I’ll talk about this another time)
Look at each of your remaining stickies and start to create categories. Which ones need to be taught together to have the most comprehensive impact?
Which ones need to be taught separately so your course flowwwws?
The number of categories you create will help you decide how long your course should be.
We like things to be in even numbers over here at Kelly Brock Co so think in terms of 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks . . . you get the point.
Don’t decide you want to do a 12-week course and find yourself creating “filler” weeks. That will dilute the transformation and might even cause your clients to disengage.
That’s why I recommend dumping out what you want to teach and working from there.
Just like my husband’s mullet flows in the wind, you need to look at these categories you’ve created and put them in order so they flow naturally from one to the next.
What do they need to learn in Week 1 so they can be successful in Week 2?
How will they use what they learned in Week 3 to have clarity in Week 5?
Build the foundation.
Then the house.
Then, fill it with furniture and maybe do some landscaping.
Decorating the house and filling it with furniture is the most fun part of building a house, but it doesn’t make sense if you don’t have a solid foundation and, ya know, a roof and walls. 😅
Creating a course is the same way.
Part of your job is to teach the “not so fun” stuff they can’t see the results of right away to lay the foundation for the fun, satisfying transformation. (We will talk another time about selling your clients what they want, but giving them what they need. This is part of that.)
Will you pre-record lessons or deliver them live?
Will clients need a group coaching/community discussion session each week to feel supported and accountable in order to experience their fullest transformation?
Will you have a Facebook community? A group chat on Instagram?
Are you providing any swipe files or resources?
Will you have any guest speakers?
Is there any one-on-one time with you included?
These are all important questions to answer with one thing in mind: sometimes more is just more.
Make sure if you are deciding whether or not to include something you ask yourself, “Am I adding this because I’m trying to validate what I want to charge or do my clients truly need this to experience the transformation I am selling to them?”
Now that you know what your course looks like, let’s get to the part you have probably been dreading . . .
This step is part putting a value on your time, part sales worthiness, and part market research.
Pricing really deserves its own blog post but for now I’ll leave you with this:
So, you’ve created your course, figured out how you’d deliver it, and you’ve priced it.
All that’s left is to plan your launch!
What this helpful?
Drop your takeaways and questions in the comments!
See ya next week!
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